Final Conflict
Your about to engage in a galactic war like there's no tomorrow.Fail and there won't be one.It's just you againstt the Donanji Marauders,the most lethal aliens in the universe.But if you take them on too soon,you can kiss your little alliance goodbye.Better get your ships together.Youv'e got planets,moons,space stations and bad manners to conquer.Crucil resources are spread over 21 uniquely designed missions.The good news is you decide your own path.You'll need to get personnel.As in Space Marines.Mercenaries.Laborers.Assault Robots .Grunts to do your dirty work.What's mined is yours like diamonds,metals,what ever it takes to build bigger and better firepower and new technologies.Animated violence 13 + or older.System requirements: Pentium running win 95 Game or Pentim 100 MHZ or better.8MB of ram and 1 MB Video Memory
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