-It's a Mind Game! Enter a world of spectacular, lushly detailed 3D environments that render you unable to leave. Based on the award winning work of James Burke, Connections, as seen on The Learning Channel, provides the ultimate challenge for the quizzical mind. You travel from one environment to the next, looking for the clues that will explain how you entered this world - and how you can escape. Spectacular, engrossing 3D environments create an impressive virtual environment that draws you into a time and space you cannot leave without the answers. * Lose yourself in mind-twisting gaming situations that will both entice and exasperate you. * Submit to hours and hours of irresistible game play. * Capture your entire imagination in perplexing, reality-based situations. * Allow the immersive environments to pique your interest and curiosity. * Encounter James Burke and other live-action characters who add vitality and realism to the experience. Published by TLC The Learning Channel System requirements: Windows 3.1/95/98, 486/33 or higher processor; 8MB RAM, 2X CD-ROM drive, sound card, mouse, VGA display (256 colors), MS DOS or PC-DOS operating system version 3.0 or greater. Macintosh: Mac Performa, Centris, Quadra, or Power Mac series, 68040 processor or better, System 7.0 or higher, 2X CD-ROM, 8MB RAM, 640x480 display color monitor with at least 256 colors.
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